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Rice Fields of West Bali

West Bali is filled with open green rice fields as far as the eye can see. Learn about the traditional subak system and the role community and water temple ceremonies play in equitably distributing the water and maximizing rice yields . Walk through the rice terraces. Meet the farmers who manage the land.

Jegog Performance 
Rural Village Visit / Cricket Fighting
Visit to a Goat Collective

Visit a traditional goat rearing cooperative. Learn about local collective enterprise in Bali from a group of village childhood friends who decided to raise goats together. Feed and pet the goats.

In the life of  Mendoyo Village

Putu Visit a remote close-knit agricultural community. Learn about daily life from the adults and children. Learn about a popular pastime known as cricket fighting, which is popular among village children.

Jegog is a type of music originating from West Bali that uses bamboo xylophones of various sizes. Watch a group of children perform jegog. Try your hand at it. Meet the village children and their families and practice your Bahasa Indonesia.

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